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New White Paper Shares Strategies for Realizing the Promise of CDS

April 11, 2011

At DiagnosisOne, we’ve seen Clinical Decision Support (CDS) grow over the last 30 years. We recognize that CDS holds tremendous promise for improving care quality, reducing costs and strengthening the provider/ patient relationship. However, many in the industry have missed the mark by not realizing the full potential of these solutions. Several functional and technical barriers have emerged that require CDS systems to have a specific set of clinical and technological design criteria to be successful.

As part of our continuing commitment to providing timely and useful information and observations about the industry, DiagnosisOne has created a new white paper that explores how to overcome these technology obstacles, shares strategies to meet these requirements, and discusses how CDS systems are easy to deploy and complement your existing HCIT investments.

Some of the topics covered in the new white paper include:

  • How CDS met resistance during and after the implementation process as technology groups struggled with creating software that integrates with existing workflows/systems, and is flexible enough to meet the needs of disparate users.
  • Strategies for overcoming deployment obstacles by creating and maintaining CDS solutions that are simple to integrate into existing workflows and create prioritized, actionable alerts on patients leveraging all known data.
  • How to develop a system that meets the clinical challenge by delivering actionable advice.
  • Employing a technology framework that will separate workflow and business logic from clinical content to allow for future functionality growth.
  • Charting the goals of CDS to cost-effectively enhance the management, and improve the outcome, of each patient. In turn, actionable CDS enables each health system to manage a patient population, as well as the individuals within it.

From patient to population management, the “Realizing the Promise of CDS: Strategies for overcoming real-world implementation challenges” whitepaper, found at our Resource Center, will help you learn about new CDS approaches to allocate your valuable time, energy and constrained financial resources, where it can help the most. 

Let us know if you agree. We look forward to learning more about your CDS implementation strategies and tactics!

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